
public enum CallingConvention

Enumerates the calling conventions supported by LLVM.

  • c

    The default LLVM calling convention, compatible with C.



    case c
  • This calling convention attempts to make calls as fast as possible (e.g. by passing things in registers). This calling convention allows the target to use whatever tricks it wants to produce fast code for the target, without having to conform to an externally specified ABI (Application Binary Interface). Tail calls can only be optimized when this, theghcor thehiPE` convention is used. This calling convention does not support varargs and requires the prototype of all callees to exactly match the prototype of the function definition.



    case fast
  • This calling convention attempts to make code in the caller as efficient as possible under the assumption that the call is not commonly executed. As such, these calls often preserve all registers so that the call does not break any live ranges in the caller side. This calling convention does not support varargs and requires the prototype of all callees to exactly match the prototype of the function definition. Furthermore the inliner doesn’t consider such function calls for inlining.



    case cold
  • ghc

    This calling convention has been implemented specifically for use by the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC).

    It passes everything in registers, going to extremes to achieve this by disabling callee save registers. This calling convention should not be used lightly but only for specific situations such as an alternative to the register pinning performance technique often used when implementing functional programming languages. At the moment only X86 supports this convention and it has the following limitations:

    • On X86-32 only supports up to 4 bit type parameters. No floating-point types are supported.
    • On X86-64 only supports up to 10 bit type parameters and 6 floating-point parameters.

    This calling convention supports `tail call optimization but requires both the caller and callee are using it.



    case ghc
  • This calling convention has been implemented specifically for use by the High-Performance Erlang (HiPE) compiler, the native code compiler of the `Ericsson’s Open Source Erlang/OTP system.

    It uses more registers for argument passing than the ordinary C calling convention and defines no callee-saved registers. The calling convention properly supports tail call optimization but requires that both the caller and the callee use it.

    It uses a register pinning mechanism, similar to GHC’s convention, for keeping frequently accessed runtime components pinned to specific hardware registers.

    At the moment only X86 supports this convention (both 32 and 64 bit).



    case hiPE
  • This calling convention has been implemented for WebKit FTL JIT. It passes arguments on the stack right to left (as cdecl does), and returns a value in the platform’s customary return register.



    case webKitJS
  • Calling convention for dynamic register based calls (e.g. stackmap and patchpoint intrinsics).

    This is a special convention that supports patching an arbitrary code sequence in place of a call site. This convention forces the call arguments into registers but allows them to be dynamically allocated. This can currently only be used with calls to llvm.experimental.patchpoint because only this intrinsic records the location of its arguments in a side table.



    case anyReg
  • Calling convention for runtime calls that preserves most registers.

    This calling convention attempts to make the code in the caller as unintrusive as possible. This convention behaves identically to the c calling convention on how arguments and return values are passed, but it uses a different set of caller/callee-saved registers. This alleviates the burden of saving and recovering a large register set before and after the call in the caller. If the arguments are passed in callee-saved registers, then they will be preserved by the callee across the call. This doesn’t apply for values returned in callee-saved registers.

    On X86-64 the callee preserves all general purpose registers, except for R11. R11 can be used as a scratch register. Floating-point registers (XMMs/YMMs) are not preserved and need to be saved by the caller.

    The idea behind this convention is to support calls to runtime functions that have a hot path and a cold path. The hot path is usually a small piece of code that doesn’t use many registers. The cold path might need to call out to another function and therefore only needs to preserve the caller-saved registers, which haven’t already been saved by the caller.

    The preserveMost calling convention is very similar to the cold calling convention in terms of caller/callee-saved registers, but they are used for different types of function calls. cold is for function calls that are rarely executed, whereas preserveMost function calls are intended to be on the hot path and definitely executed a lot. Furthermore preserveMost doesn’t prevent the inliner from inlining the function call.

    This calling convention will be used by a future version of the Objective-C runtime and should therefore still be considered experimental at this time.

    Although this convention was created to optimize certain runtime calls to the ObjectiveC runtime, it is not limited to this runtime and might be used by other runtimes in the future too.

    The current implementation only supports X86-64, but the intention is to support more architectures in the future.



    case preserveMost
  • This calling convention attempts to make the code in the caller even less intrusive than the preserveMost calling convention. This calling convention also behaves identical to the c calling convention on how arguments and return values are passed, but it uses a different set of caller/callee-saved registers. This removes the burden of saving and recovering a large register set before and after the call in the caller.

    If the arguments are passed in callee-saved registers, then they will be preserved by the callee across the call. This doesn’t apply for values returned in callee-saved registers.

    • On X86-64 the callee preserves all general purpose registers, except for R11. R11 can be used as a scratch register. Furthermore it also preserves all floating-point registers (XMMs/YMMs).

    The idea behind this convention is to support calls to runtime functions that don’t need to call out to any other functions.

    This calling convention, like the preserveMost calling convention, will be used by a future version of the ObjectiveC runtime and should be considered experimental at this time.



    case preserveAll
  • Calling convention for Swift.

    • On X86-64 RCX and R8 are available for additional integer returns, and XMM2 and XMM3 are available for additional FP/vector returns.
    • On iOS platforms, we use the armAAPCSVFP calling convention.



    case swift
  • The calling convention for accessors to C++-style thread-local storage.

    The access function generally has an entry block, an exit block and an initialization block that is run at the first time. The entry and exit blocks can access a few TLS IR variables, each access will be lowered to a platform-specific sequence.

    This calling convention aims to minimize overhead in the caller by preserving as many registers as possible (all the registers that are perserved on the fast path, composed of the entry and exit blocks).

    This calling convention behaves identical to the C calling convention on how arguments and return values are passed, but it uses a different set of caller/callee-saved registers.

    Given that each platform has its own lowering sequence, hence its own set of preserved registers, we can’t use the existing preserveMost.

    • On X86-64 the callee preserves all general purpose registers, except for RDI and RAX.



    case cxxFastThreadLocalStorage
  • The calling conventions mostly used by the Win32 API.

    It is basically the same as the C convention with the difference in that the callee is responsible for popping the arguments from the stack.



    case x86StandardCall
  • “Fast” analog of x86Stdcall.

    Passes first two arguments in ECX:EDX registers, others via the stack. The callee is responsible for stack cleaning.



    case x86FastCall
  • Short for “ARM Procedure Calling Standard” calling convention (obsolete, but still used on some targets).



    case armAPCS
  • Short for “ARM Architecture Procedure Calling Standard” calling convention. This is often referred to as EABI - though this terminology can be confusing for those that remember EABI from PowerPC.

    armAAPCS is the modern incarnation of armAPCS. It enables a number of desirable optimizations over armAPCS such as tighter packing of structures and (emulated) floating point instructions. armAPCS suffered a 10x performance penalty in environments without a floating point co-processor, as floating routines would be implemented by trapping to software implementations in the kernel.



    case armAAPCS
  • Same as armAAPCS, but uses hardware floating point ABI. On ARM architectures before ARMv8, these instructions are implemented as co-processor extensions.

    Despite VFP being short for “Vector Floating Point”, processing of data is entirely sequential. VFP does not perform actual vector computing in the usual sense (SIMD), and is generally replaced by NEON intrinsics.



    case armAAPCSVFP
  • Calling convention used for MSP430 interrupt service routines (ISRs).

    ISRs may not accept or return arguments in registers. They should ideally save all registers when they are first invoked and must clean up before returning with the special RETI instruction. LLVM will trap if any of these invariants are violated.



    case msp430Interrupt
  • Similar to x86Stdcall.

    • On x86_64 it passes the first argument (a pointer to this in C++) in ECX and the others via the stack from right to left. The callee is responsible for popping the arguments from the stack.

    MSVC uses this by default for methods in its ABI for all non-variadic member method calls.



    case x86ThisCall
  • Calling convention for Parallel Thread Execution (PTX) kernel functions.

    In PTX, there are two types of functions: device functions, which are only callable by device code, and kernel functions, which are callable by host code. Use this calling convention for kernel functions.

    The parameter (.param) state space is used to pass input arguments from the host to the kernel, to declare formal input and return parameters for device functions called from within kernel execution, and to declare locally-scoped byte array variables that serve as function call arguments, typically for passing large structures by value to a function.

    Kernel function parameters differ from device function parameters in terms of access and sharing (read-only versus read-write, per-kernel versus per-thread).



    case ptxKernelFunction
  • Calling convention for Parallel Thread Execution (PTX) device functions.

    Passes all arguments in register or parameter space.

    Registers (.reg state space) are fast storage locations. The number of registers is limited, and will vary from platform to platform. When the limit is exceeded, register variables will be spilled to memory, causing changes in performance.

    Device function parameters differ from kernel function parameters in that they may not necessarily be directly addressable. Because the exact location of argument values is implementation-defined, requesting the address of a device argument is generally not supported.



    case ptxDeviceFunction
  • Calling convention for SPIR non-kernel device functions.

    No lowering or expansion of arguments. Structures are passed as a pointer to a struct with the byval attribute. Functions can only call SPIR_FUNC and SPIR_KERNEL functions. Functions can only have zero or one return values. Variable arguments are not allowed, except for printf. How arguments/return values are lowered are not specified. Functions are only visible to the devices.



    case spirDeviceFunction
  • Calling convention for SPIR kernel functions.

    Inherits the restrictions of .spirFunction, except Cannot have non-void return values. Cannot have variable arguments. Can also be called by the host. Is externally visible.



    case spirKernelFunction
  • Calling conventions for Intel OpenCL built-ins.

    Extends the x86_32 C ABI for passing and returning values by a set of high-bitwidth registers for passing arguments and returning values from functions, and a set of mask registers.



    case intelOpenCLBuiltin
  • The C convention as specified in the x86-64 supplement to the System V ABI, used on most non-Windows systems.



    case x8664SystemV
  • The C convention as implemented on Windows/x86-64 and AArch64. This convention differs from the more common x8664SystemV convention in a number of ways, most notably in that XMM registers used to pass arguments are shadowed by GPRs, and vice versa.

    On AArch64, this is identical to the normal C (aapcs) calling convention for normal functions, but floats are passed in integer registers to variadic functions.



    case win64
  • MSVC calling convention that passes vectors and vector aggregates in SSE registers.



    case x86VectorCall
  • Calling convention used by HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) to perform calls to and from translation cache, and for calling PHP functions.

    HHVM is a very relaxed convention that marks as many registers as general-purpose as possible, including RBP which contains the first argument, but excluding RSP and R12 which are used for the stack pointer and return value respectively.

    This calling convention supports tail and sibling call elimination.



    case hhvm
  • HHVM calling convention for invoking C/C++ helpers.

    This calling convention differs from the standard c calling convention in that the first argument is passed in RBP.



    case hhvmc
  • The calling convention for x86 hardware interrupts.

    The callee may take one or two parameters, where the 1st represents a pointer to hardware context frame and the 2nd represents a hardware error code. The presence of the latter depends on the interrupt vector taken.

    This convention is valid for both 32-bit and 64-bit subtargets.



    case x86Interrupt
  • Calling convention for AVR interrupt routines.



    case avrInterrupt
  • Calling convention used for AVR signal routines.



    case avrSignal
  • Calling convention used for special AVR rtlib functions which have an “optimized” convention to preserve registers.



    case avrBuiltin
  • Calling convention used for Mesa vertex shaders, or AMDPAL last shader stage before rasterization (vertex shader if tessellation and geometry are not in use, or otherwise copy shader if one is needed).



    case amdGPUVertexShader
  • Calling convention used for Mesa/AMDPAL geometry shaders.



    case amdGPUGeometryShader
  • Calling convention used for Mesa/AMDPAL pixel shaders.



    case amdGPUPixelShader
  • Calling convention used for Mesa/AMDPAL compute shaders.



    case amdGPUComputeShader
  • Calling convention for AMDGPU code object kernels.



    case amdGPUKernel
  • Register calling convention used for parameters transfer optimization



    case x86RegisterCall
  • Calling convention used for Mesa/AMDPAL hull shaders (= tessellation control shaders).



    case amdGPUHullShader
  • Calling convention used for special MSP430 rtlib functions which have an “optimized” convention using additional registers.



    case msp430Builtin
  • Calling convention used for AMDPAL vertex shader if tessellation is in use.



    case amdGPULS
  • Calling convention used for AMDPAL shader stage before geometry shader if geometry is in use. So either the domain (= tessellation evaluation) shader if tessellation is in use, or otherwise the vertex shader.



    case amdGPUES
  • Retrieves the corresponding LLVMCallConv.



    public var llvm: LLVMCallConv { get }